Cr48 ( Chromium-48 ) was created in part to communicate to my family and some of my non-science friends what it is I do for a living, and in part as an outlet for some of my philosophical musings. Why Cr48? 1) They’re my initials. 2) This isotope is produced in Type Ia Supernovae. 3) It has a half-life of about 1 day, which is easy to remember. As for who I am, I’m currently a Physicist at Lawrence Livermore Lab in Livermore, CA. I received a Ph.D. in Astrophysics in 2011 from Arizona State University.
Publications of which I have been a part:
- CRKSPH – A Conservative Reproducing Kernel Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Scheme – Frontiere et al. – 2017JCoPh.332..160F
- Examining the Accuracy of Astrophysical Disk Simulations with a Generalized Hydrodynamical Test Problem – Raskin & Owen – 2016ApJ…831…26R
- Shadows of our Former Companions: How the Single-degenerate Binary Type Ia Supernova Scenario Affects Remnants – Gray, Raskin & Owen – 2016ApJ…833…62G
- Rapid Optimal SPH Particle Distributions in Spherical Geometries For Creating Astrophysical Initial Conditions – Raskin & Owen – 2016ApJ…820..102R
- Type Ia Supernovae from Merging White Dwarfs. II. Post-merger Detonations – Raskin et al. – 2014ApJ…788…75R
- Type Ia Supernovae from Merging White Dwarfs. I. Prompt Detonations – Moll et al. – 2014ApJ…785..105M
- Tidal Tail Ejection as a Signature of Type Ia Supernovae from White Dwarf Mergers – Raskin & Kasen – 2013ApJ…772….1R
- Remnants of Binary White Dwarf Mergers – Raskin et al. – 2012ApJ…746…62R
- Spectra of Type Ia Supernovae from Double Degenerate Mergers – Fryer et al. – 2010ApJ…725..296F
- 56Ni Production in Double-degenerate White Dwarf Collisions – Raskin et al. – 2010ApJ…724..111R
- Prompt Ia Supernovae are Significantly Delayed – Raskin et al. – 2009ApJ…707…74R
- On Type Ia supernovae from the collisions of two white dwarfs – Raskin et al. – 2009MNRAS.399L.156R
- Using Spatial Distributions to Constrain Progenitors of Supernovae and Gamma-Ray Bursts – Raskin et al. – 2008ApJ…689..358R